ReVisionaries Consulting Group is for businesses of today and the future.
We support new or existing businesses and organizations looking to change or improve their current model, business management practices or implement new strategies.
Our Change Agents help companies transform visions into action plans that can revolutionize business.
Let us take your new business or aspirational idea for business to new heights.
Take your company and ideas to the next level: ReImagine, ReVise, ReCreate, ReVitalize, ReOrganize, ReInstitute, ReWork, ReView and Re-Engineer…become ReVisionaries
We are providing our services to existing businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs across diverse industries who are looking to engage in exciting new opportunities and experiences.
Work in progress
ReVisionaries Consulting Group LLC is currently consulting with clients in the following industries to help them attain their business development, change management, and productivity goals:
Electronic Waste (e-Waste) Management
Hospitality Services
Wellness and Beauty
Fitness and Health
Transportation and Logistics
ReVisionaries Consulting Group uses creative solutions and coaching to increase autonomy and productivity goals. We use your organization’s aspirational goals and objectives to recreate an improved outcome that creates more output and increases revenue opportunities.
As part of this redevelopment, your leadership team or corporate officers will undergo coaching and training to support your longer-term organizational change initiative.